That's according to Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba, who spoke with NBC News.
"Let's go back to the very beginning of the war when Russia's plan was to defeat Ukraine somewhere within three days. And so this plan failed, obviously, and they have another plan. But we have our plans. And history will demonstrate whose plan will prevail," Kuleba said.
The head of Ukrainian diplomacy also noted that Ukraine's strategy is based on confidence in own victory and liberation of its territories.
"Time is important but we don't calculate how much time it will take," the foreign minister stressed.
Due to failing to achieve almost any objectives set before the military commanders as regards Ukraine, on April 9, the Kremlin replaced the top general in command of Russian troops. The new chief is General Alexander Dvornikov, the Commander of the Southern Military District who has gained combat experience during Russia's Syria operation.
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