Zelenskyy said this at a briefing after a meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.
"I want to thank you for that powerful sanctions policy. Thank you to the entire world, thank you to the EU. I am personally grateful to Ursula von der Leyen for the 5th sanctions package, but I think that is not enough.
They took a lot from us; they took away our territory and people. We will be able to return the territories and we will not be able to return the people. And for all this, I am sure, will be a great, honest responsibility.
Therefore, I ask you to help us with your sanctions. They just need to build up. In a different way, Russia does not want to hear anything or anyone," he said.
The President also stated that Ukraine and the EU share the same values.
"It is for them that we fight: for freedom, for the rights of our people, the right to choose, the right to protect, be born, and live long in our free state," he said.
Zelenskyy thanked the European Union for financial assistance. According to him, "this financial support is very important today when the economy is not working yet."
He also thanked the European Union for financial support for weapons.
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