Zelenskyy: If there is no really painful package of sanctions, Russia will consider it as permission to attack Donbas

Russia will perceive the lack of arms supplies to Ukraine as permission to attack Donbas

This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a video message, Rubryka reports.

"If there is no really painful package of sanctions against Russia, if we do not really have the needed supply of weapons. Weapons, which we have addressed many times.

Then it will be considered by Russia as a solution. As permission to go further. As permission to attack. As permission to start a new bloody wave in Donbas. You can still prevent this.

It is still possible to impose such sanctions, which Ukraine insists on, our people insist on.

You can still give us a weapon that will really stop this aggression.

The West can do that, just as it could have applied precautionary sanctions last year to prevent this war from starting and invading it.

If the mistake is made again, if there is no second preventive action, it will be a historic mistake of the whole Western world," he said.

He also noted that the country's economy must work for victory.

"I urge all community leaders in areas where there is no threat of direct confrontation with the enemy on the ground to do everything possible to get people back, people to work, and economic processes to restart.

To restore normal life, as far as security allows.

"A working economy is just as important as our brave, strong army.

The Russian occupiers continue to accumulate fighting force to realize their ill ambitions in Donbas. We are preparing for a further reduction of Russia's military potential," Zedenskyy stressed.

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