Almost 50 people were burned alive as a result of Mariupol hospital bombing by russians, the mayor reports

According to preliminary estimates, 5,000 people died in the month of the blockade in Mariupol, and the bombing of the hospital by russian troops burned nearly 50 people alive.

The mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boichenko stated this during a round table, which was held by video, according to the Telegram channel of the Mariupol City Council.

"According to preliminary estimates alone, 5,000 people died in Mariupol during the month of the blockade, of which about 210 were children. russian terrorist forces dropped several heavy bombs on a children's hospital and destroyed one of the buildings of the city hospital №1. Almost 50 people were burned alive. russians bombed the Drama Theater where more than 900 people were hiding from the shelling at the time. These are just a few examples of the deliberate destruction of the civilian population of Mariupol," Boichenko said.

According to him, the city is almost completely destroyed. More than 90% of the city's infrastructure has been destroyed, and at least 40% can no longer be rebuilt. The city council has set up a commission to record the destruction of public and private property, and more than 300 have been registered so far.

According to Boichenko, it is crucial that Russia's war crimes in Ukraine be recorded by international human rights institutions. European countries must respond to these crimes against humanity.

"These facts should be the impetus for strengthening sanctions against the russian federation. Including a full embargo on russian oil and gas. We must stop military aggression and genocide of Ukrainians together," the mayor of Mariupol stressed.

According to preliminary estimates, 5,000 people died in the month of the blockade in Mariupol, and the bombing of the hospital by russian troops burned nearly 50 people alive.

The mayor of Mariupol Vadym Boichenko stated this during a round table, which was held by video, according to the Telegram channel of the Mariupol City Council.

"According to preliminary estimates alone, 5,000 people died in Mariupol during the month of the blockade, of which about 210 were children. russian terrorist forces dropped several heavy bombs on a children's hospital and destroyed one of the buildings of the city hospital №1. Almost 50 people were burned alive. russians bombed the Drama Theater where more than 900 people were hiding from the shelling at the time. These are just a few examples of the deliberate destruction of the civilian population of Mariupol," Boichenko said.

According to him, the city is almost completely destroyed. More than 90% of the city's infrastructure has been destroyed, and at least 40% can no longer be rebuilt. The city council has set up a commission to record the destruction of public and private property, and more than 300 have been registered so far.

According to Boichenko, it is crucial that Russia's war crimes in Ukraine be recorded by international human rights institutions. European countries must respond to these crimes against humanity.

"These facts should be the impetus for strengthening sanctions against the russian federation. Including a full embargo on russian oil and gas. We must stop military aggression and genocide of Ukrainians together," the mayor of Mariupol stressed.

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