This was stated by Prime Minister Michael Martin during his speech in the Irish Parliament on April 6, the EP reports.
"I welcomed and supported Ukraine's application for EU membership. I welcomed this application and I reaffirm this support in this Chamber today," Martin said.
The Prime Minister also added that it was the democratic right of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people to decide on their political orientation.
"You have chosen to apply for EU membership. We know that EU enlargement has been a force for stabilization and democratization in the EU's neighboring states.
This is in the strategic interest of the European Union, it is in the interest of Ukraine. As I told you, President Zelenskyy, when we spoke on March 16, I will continue to support the cause of Ukraine," said the Irish Prime Minister.
To recap, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said at the EU summit in March that Ireland "well, practically" supports Ukraine's accession to the EU.
He also thanked Ireland for the assistance it has already provided to Ukraine.
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