Mariupol City Council reports that occupiers have started destroying traces of crimes against city residents

russian mobile crematoria in partially occupied Mariupol, Donetsk region, burn the bodies of murdered and killed city residents

The Mariupol City Council reported this on Telegram.

"The killers are covering their tracks. russian mobile crematoria have started operating in Mariupol. After the widespread international genocide in Bucha, russia's top leadership ordered the destruction of any evidence of its army's crimes in Mariupol.

One week ago, cautious estimates put the death toll at 5,000. But given the size of the city, catastrophic destruction, the duration of the blockade, and fierce resistance, tens of thousands of civilians from Mariupol could have fallen victim to the occupiers.

That is why Russia is in no hurry to give the green light to the Turkish mission and other initiatives to save and fully evacuate Mariupol. In addition, all potential witnesses to the atrocities of the occupiers are being identified through filtration camps and destroyed," the statement said.

According to the City Council, the russians left the dirty work for collaborationists. Eyewitnesses report that special brigades of DPR terrorists were involved in the sweep.

They collect and burn the bodies of Mariupol residents murdered and killed as a result of the Russian invasion. The work of these groups is directly coordinated by the self-proclaimed mayor-collaborator Kostiantyn Ivashchenko.

"The world has not seen the scale of the tragedy in Mariupol since the Nazi concentration camps. The russian fascists have turned our entire city into a death camp.

Unfortunately, the eerie analogy is gaining more and more confirmation. This is no longer Chechnya or Aleppo. This is the new Auschwitz and Maidanek. The world must help punish putin's villains," said Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko.


Mariupol has been under blockade since March 1.

The russian military closed all entrances to Mariupol and blocked access from the sea. Constant shelling of the city continues.

In Mariupol, more than 90% of all buildings were completely destroyed.

Currently, about 130,000 civilians remain in the city, who are unable to leave for safe areas due to russia's actions. The city has no electricity, water supply, gas, and shops were looted.

The occupiers do not observe ceasefire, despite the agreement on humanitarian corridors.

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