russian occupiers have killed 165 children since the beginning of russia’s invasion of Ukraine

165 children died in Ukraine due to russia's armed aggression, another 266 were injured

This was reported by Rubryka, citing the Telegram of the Prosecutor General's Office.

According to them, these data do not take into account the victims in Mariupol, Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Luhansk regions.

"More than 431 children were injured in Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

According to official data from juvenile prosecutors, as of the morning of April 5, 165 children had died and 266 had been injured to varying degrees," the statement said.

The Office of the Prosecutor General noted that these figures are not final, as work is underway to establish them in places of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories. In particular, in the city of Mariupol, in some areas of Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Luhansk regions.

Authorities estimated that as of March 27, nearly 5,000 people had died in Mariupol, including about 210 children. It is currently impossible to count the exact number of victims.

Most children were affected:

  • in Kyiv region (77),
  • Donetsk region (78),
  • Kharkiv region (61),
  • Chernihiv region (49),
  • Mykolaiv region (35),
  • Luhansk region (31),
  • Zaporizhzhia region (22),
  • Kherson region (29),
  • Sumy region (16),
  • Zhytomyr region (15),
  • in the capital (16).

On April 4 as a result of the attack by the armed forces of russia on Mykolaiv, a child died.

It also became known that during the occupation of Vorzel of Kyiv region, the russian military threw a smoke grenade into the basement of one of the houses where a 14-year-old child and a woman were staying, after which they fired as a result of which the child died on the spot.

Also in the town of Bucha, Kyiv region, one of the shellings killed 6 people, including one child.

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