The European Union plans to propose a coal embargo and a blockade of land and water transport for russia

European Union plans to impose a ban on coal imports from russia and a ban on entry to the bloc of most russian trucks and ships

This was reported by Bloomberg.

According to the publication, the new package of sanctions by the EU is a reaction of the bloc to the atrocities of the russian military in Bucha, which became apparent after the liberation of the city.

The coal move will be aimed at tightening existing sanctions and closing loopholes already discussed by EU ambassadors this week.

"Details of the ban and the timing of the withdrawal of coal are still being discussed," the source said.

On the other hand, the European Union does not seem to be planning to impose an embargo on oil or gas, despite pressure to do so after the Bucha massacre staged by the russians.

The bloc's countries are divided over the next steps, and some governments are insisting on at least signals this week that the bloc will cut imports of russian oil.

As Rubryka reported, on April 1, the Reden underground gas storage facility in Germany stopped pumping gas.

Reden is one of the largest underground storage facilities in Europe and the largest in Germany.

Reden's capacity is 4.2 billion cubic meters. Currently, the underground storage is only 0.51% full.

The operator of the gas storage is the German Astora GmbH, the "daughter" of Gazprom Germania Gmbh.

Gazprom Germania is the operator of several large gas storage facilities in Germany.

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