Poland proposes to establish an international commission to investigate crimes of genocide against Ukrainians by russia in Ukraine

Poland proposes to establish an international commission to investigate crimes of genocide against Ukrainians by russia in Ukraine. Warsaw also calls for tougher sanctions against Moscow, which would stop russia's aggression in Ukraine.

This was announced during a press conference in Warsaw on Monday by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Ukrinform reports.

As Morawiecki stressed, the crimes of the russian army in Ukraine are extraordinary, the russians are creating a "map of the genocide of the XXI century."

"The conclusion is that russia is already a totalitarian-fascist country, so we must stop it together within NATO and the EU. The sanctions will depend on the effectiveness of slowing down putin's military machine," Morawiecki said.

The Polish prime minister stressed that the crimes of genocide should be condemned. Therefore, they need to be properly described and documented.

"Therefore, we propose to create an international commission to study the crime of genocide in these cities of Ukraine. This international commission should consist of doctors, lawyers, experts, and criminologists who can assess everything in great detail. We need it if we want to know the truth about the scale of these russian-fascist crimes," the Polish prime minister emphasized.

According to him, after 40 days of russia's aggression in Ukraine, no one doubts that this is "absolute evil." "But today, when we see these horrific crimes against women, children, and entire families, our cry must be even louder," Morawiecki said.

He added that everyone would remember the names of the Ukrainian settlements of Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel, and Motyzhyn for the rest of their lives. He believes that the crimes in these places should be condemned by the international community as crimes of genocide.

"Those who do not react to this are responsible for the crimes. Anyone who will allow another such tragedy to become a fact is also responsible for it," Morawiecki said.

He called on European leaders to take decisive action, to take steps that would eventually "break putin's military machine, deprive it of oxygen, confiscate Russian assets held in Western European banks, and confiscate the property of oligarchs who support putin."

Addressing French President Emmanuel Macron publicly, the Polish prime minister said that despite numerous talks with Putin, he had achieved nothing.

"Mr. Macron, how many times have you negotiated with Putin? What have you achieved, have you been able to prevent at least some of the actions that have taken place? There are no negotiations with criminals, you have to fight criminals. Would you negotiate with Hitler, Stalin, then Pol Pot (dictator in Cambodia – ed.)?" Morawiecki emphasized.

In turn, addressing German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the head of the Polish government stressed that now he should not hear the voices of German businesses and billionaires who are trying to stop Berlin from imposing further sanctions against Russia. "The voices of innocent children and women should be heard there, the voices of the killed should be heard by all Germans and all German politicians," Morawiecki said.

He also addressed former German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

"You have been silent since the beginning of the war, and Germany's policy over the past few decades has led to Russia now having a monopoly on energy sales to Europe. You need to say something, condemn it, admit that the policy was wrong, because the crimes of genocide century are happening," stated the Polish politician.

He stressed that it was enough for the leaders of major European countries to play procrastinating, enough to maneuver and calculate the economic losses for their countries. "Clear, decisive sanctions are needed because the current sanctions do not work. There must be tough sanctions that will break putin's military machine, otherwise, the next innocent people will die," said the Polish politician.

According to him, Russian aggression in Ukraine is not an isolated case, but "the core of the russian fascist system," a norm that Moscow uses in its policy.

Answering journalists' questions about the blocking of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, whose Fidesz party won Sunday's election, military aid to Ukraine, and sanctions against russia, Morawiecki said that Orban was not blocking sanctions against moscow, but major European countries did it, in particular Germany.


Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, and the entire Kyiv region were liberated from Russian invaders. Mass killings of civilians by the occupiers were recorded in the liberated towns and villages. Among the found victims of war crimes of the russian troops are raped women whose bodies they tried to burn, killed local government officials, children, the elderly, and men. Many have their hands tied, there are traces of torture, and many people have been shot in the back of the head.

According to Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova, as of the evening of April 3, 410 bodies of civilians killed by the invaders had been removed from the liberated territory of the Kyiv region.

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