President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated this in a video address.
"In the current situation of our state, there should be no discussions to which society and our politicians are accustomed in peacetime.
If someone acts like he can teach our Armed Forces how to fight, how to resist the enemy, the best way to do it is to go to the battlefield directly.
Not from a chair at home or in the place where they left for safety, but from the place of real fighting. If we are not ready for that, we should not start educating our defenders," the President stressed.
Zelenskyy said that the negotiation process continued, but "so far without specifics."
"There are also words about the alleged withdrawal of Russian troops from Kyiv and Chernihiv, about the alleged reduction of the occupiers' activity in these areas.
We know that this is not a withdrawal, but the consequences of exile, the work of our defenders. But at the same time, there is an accumulation of Russian troops for new strikes in Donbas.
And we are preparing for this. We do not believe anyone, in any beautiful verbal constructions," Zelenskyy emphasized.
"We will not give anything away and we will fight for every meter of our land, for every one of our people," the President summed up.
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