12:16 31 Mar 2022

Ukrainian defenders eliminated occupiers whom Russia had transferred from Abkhazia

Photo: East Operational and Tactical Command

Ukrainian defenders eliminated a group of Russian occupiers from units of the 7th military base

The East Operational and Tactical Command reported this.

According to the defenders, these are soldiers who came to fight against Ukraine from the self-proclaimed republic of Abkhazia.

The military notes that the Russians, apparently, are running out of their own "cannon fodder."

"During yesterday's fighting, Ukrainian soldiers killed representatives of units from the 7th military base, which is stationed in the self-proclaimed Abkhazian republic," the East Command reported.

The enemy's armored vehicle was also destroyed.

Чернігів Техніка росії

Photo: East Operational and Tactical Command

The command noted that the situation looks like "Russian fascist troops have big personnel problems."

"The mobilization of cannon fodder from among its own citizens has failed," the statement said.

The military recalled that the Russians themselves had recently begun writing mass reports on resigning the occupier's army.

They also refuse to go to war against Ukraine because they already know "how Putin's adventure will end for them."


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