Russian occupiers kidnapped a 12-year-old girl from Mariupol, relatives appealed to Prosecutor’s office

Russian invaders deported a 12-year-old girl Kira Obedinska, who was orphaned in this war due to Russian aggression from besieged Mariupol

This was reported in the Office of the Prosecutor General.

The Office noted that the Chernivtsi Regional Prosecutor's Office has launched proceedings for violating the laws and customs of war.

The disappearance of the girl was reported by her grandfather, who is forced to live in Chernivtsi, the department said.

According to the investigation, since the beginning of the war, the child was in Mariupol with his father.

"Kira lost her mother in her early childhood, and on March 17, the Russians killed her father, Yevhen Obedinskyi: the multiple champion of Ukraine in water polo died during one of the numerous airstrikes in Mariupol," the statement said.

Then they tried to evacuate the girl from the city together with other locals.

While trying to leave, Kira was injured by a mine blast. After that, the child was abducted by representatives of the Russian armed forces.

Currently, Kira is in the occupied Donetsk.

"There is information that the Russians confiscated the documents of all those who were near Kira. They promised to make new Russian documents to send them to the territory of Russia," said the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration Pavlo Kyrylenko.

He called on humanitarian and human rights organizations to help the girl return to her family.

As reported by Rubryka, as of the morning of March 31 since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, 148 children were killed and 232 were injured.

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