20:25 31 Mar 2022

Britain will send more lethal weapons to Ukraine

The Minister of Defense of the United Kingdom Ben Wallace said that Ukraine will be sent more lethal weapons to counter Russian aggression.

Sky News reported this.

The new supply will include longer-range artillery and more anti-aircraft missiles.

"Today, more lethal aid will come to Ukraine. Several countries have come up with either new ideas or big promises of money," he said.

Wallace also said that Russia had become a "smaller country" as a result of the invasion of Ukraine.

"President Putin is no longer the force he used to be. Now he is a man in a cage he built himself," he said.

The minister said Russian forces seemed to be regrouping and shifting their focus to the south and east of Ukraine.

"We have seen this before. The situation is always getting worse. It leads to more attacks on civilians," he said.

Earlier, British intelligence said that in the coming days on the outskirts of Kyiv, most likely, fierce fighting will unfold.

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