As Rubryka reports, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced this on Facebook.
The ministry noted that more than 40 million hryvnias had been raised so far as part of the marathon.
To recap, on March 27, based on the Polish TV channel TVP, more than 30 TV channels from around the world simultaneously broadcast the international charity telethon Save Ukraine #StopWar.
During the two-hour broadcast, political leaders, musicians, artists, public activists, actors, artists, athletes, volunteers from around the world spoke in support of Ukraine and called for an end to Russia's brutal war.
"In total, about 80 million people around the world watched the live telethon," the Foreign Ministry said.
Before, during, and after the telethon, funds were raised to solve the biggest humanitarian problems caused by Russia's military invasion of Ukraine.
"In total, as of March 30, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine managed to raise more than UAH 40 million as part of the marathon.
Kuleba stressed that the telethon brought together hundreds of thousands of people in the squares and millions in front of TV screens to send a clear signal to Russia: "Ukraine is not alone. The world is with Ukraine. Ukraine will definitely win."
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