Ukrainian delegation representative explains what security guarantees Ukraine seeks

The representative of the Ukrainian delegation at the talks with Russia, Oleksandr Chalyi, explained what security guarantees Ukraine sought and what they would mean for the future of the state if they can be ratified.

Chalyi told about it in an interview with Ukrainian TV channels, UP reports.

"The keyword for us is security guarantees. Which we can get within the diplomatic settlement of the consequences of Russian aggression and the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity and security.

If no concrete diplomatic solution is found in the framework of these consultations, the guarantor countries, on an individual basis, I emphasize, will be obliged to help Ukraine on a collective basis by all possible means, including closing the skies, providing arms to Ukraine or assisting them with armed forces.

This gives us the opportunity to receive virtually the same guarantees of our security in the future that we would have received if we had joined NATO.

"Based on the realities, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and we are looking for a formula so that we can actually realize our dream of having guarantees in the future that are analogous to NATO's guarantees.

These guarantees–we have formulated them very clearly–must be (enshrined – ed.) exclusively in a clear legal form and be binding. They must be ratified, that is, adopted, by the parliaments of the guarantor countries," he said.

He noted that Ukraine already had a sad experience of implementing the Budapest Memorandum.

"That is why we are now working to ensure that the guarantees have a clear legal form and are very specific.

I have already emphasized that these guarantees are almost identical in content and form to Article 5 of NATO. In fact, we are trying to achieve such a state of affairs that if in the future Ukraine becomes the object of aggression, a military attack, or a 'military special operation,' Ukraine will be able to hold urgent consultations within three days.

If no concrete diplomatic solution is found in the framework of these consultations, the guarantor countries, on an individual basis, I emphasize, will be obliged to help Ukraine on a collective basis by all possible means, including closing the skies, providing arms to Ukraine or assisting them with armed forces.

This gives us the opportunity to receive virtually the same guarantees of our security in the future that we would have received if we had joined NATO.

Based on the realities, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and we are looking for a formula so that we can actually realize our dream of having guarantees in the future that would be analogous to NATO's guarantees," Chalyi said.

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