As of March 29, 3 humanitarian corridors have been agreed – Vereshchuk

As of March 29, the work of three humanitarian corridors in Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia region has been agreed

Rubryka informs about it, referring to the briefing of the Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk.

"To date, 3 humanitarian corridors have been agreed."

In the Donetsk region:

From the city of Mariupol to the city of Zaporizhzhia by own vehicles.

Buses to evacuate Mariupol residents from Berdiansk also left Zaporizhzhia. They are expected to reach the city by evening.

Vereshchuk reminded that in Beriyansk at 87b Melitopolske Shosse Street, free refueling is available for Mariupol residents.

There are also humanitarian headquarters in Berdiansk to help Mariupol residents (tel. 3-62-76, 3-52-52, 097 551 59 17, and 050 439 75 29).

In the Zaporizhzhia region:

From Melitopol to Zaporizhzhia

Buses and humanitarian aid left Zaporizhzhia in the morning. The time of their arrival depends on the speed of passing checkpoints. After arriving in the city, buses will gather people near the branch of the SES 10, st. Alekseeva, 12.

From the city of Enerhodar to the city of Zaporizhzhia

Accompanied by a car of the State Emergency Service at 10:00 a convoy of people is sent by private transport (the place of formation of the convoy is opposite the City Council, 14 Kurchatova Street.

Also, according to Vereshchuk, a convoy of trucks with humanitarian aid went to the city of Enerhodar accompanied by the SES from the city of Zaporizhzhia.

The Minister reminded that on March 28 880 Mariupol residents were taken out of Berdiansk.

To get the necessary help, Mariupol residents can call the call center in the city of Zaporizhzhia: 095 220 41 11, 067 220 41 12, and 0800 503 508.

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