
Newspaper headed by Nobel Peace Prize winner closed in Russia

The Russian mass media, Novaya Gazeta, will cease its work until the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

This was reported on the Telegram channel of the publication.

The journalists had to stop work due to two incompletely substantiated "warnings" from Roskomnadzor.

"We have received another warning from Roskomnadzor. After that, we will stop publishing the newspaper on the Internet and on paper until the end of the 'special operation in Ukraine,'" said a media statement.

The reason for the second warning was allegedly "mentioning an NGO-foreign agent without labeling", while RKN did not specify what it was about.

In 2021, the editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, Dmitry Muratov, received the Nobel Peace Prize for "efforts to preserve freedom of thought as a prerequisite for democracy and peace." When the full-scale war broke out, Muratov said he would sell his medal at auction to transfer the money to a fund to help refugees from Ukraine.

Muratov's appeal to colleagues in connection with the suspension of work:

Про це повідомляється в Telegram-каналі видання.

Dear colleagues! You and I lasted 34 days in the conditions of a "special operation," in the conditions of military censorship. We have decided together with you, answering the question: "close or continue." 96% of you and I voted to continue. Novaya could not leave the audience. And we worked. In places of hostilities, in border areas. We assessed losses and destruction. We tried to understand how our people allowed two wars at once: in Ukraine, a war of aggression, and in Russia, at home, almost a civil war. The split took place among the people and families. We were looking for answers to the question: why is our upbringing always only military-patriotic and no one has heard of "peaceful-patriotic" upbringing? How did it happen that they put up posters "No to war!"? Why persecute, I would say, "for inciting peace"? Together, we experienced the most tragic days in our history. It could not pass without a trace. We received a warning from the so-called Roskomnadzor. And today, we received the second. What does it mean? This means that we are forced to suspend the publication of the newspaper and not update the site and our social media until the end of hostilities in Ukraine. There is no other way out. For us, and, I know, for you, this is a terrible and difficult decision. But we need to save us for each other. Your support is more important than ever. Without you, we will not survive. Thank you and see you soon!

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