ABC News reported this.
"We'd like to have a moment of silence to show our support for the people of Ukraine, currently facing invasion, conflict, and prejudice within their own borders.
While film is an important avenue for us to express our humanity in times of conflict, the reality is millions of families in Ukraine need food, medical care, clean water, and emergency services. Resources are scarce, and we – collectively as a global community – can do more. We ask you to support Ukraine in any way you are able. #StandWithUkraine," the message reads.
On the night of March 27-28, the Academy Awards ceremony took place in Los Angeles. The main winner was the film CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) directed by Sian Heder. The statuettes for the best actors went to Jessica Chastain (Eyes of Tammy Faye) and Will Smith (King Richard).
President Zelenskyy's speech, which was proposed to be included in the ceremony the day before, was not made. As Sean Penn called on his colleagues, no one began to boycott the ceremony. Instead, some actors on the red carpet expressed solidarity with Ukraine and supplemented their images with ribbons and flags.
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