In the exclusion zone near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant due to hostilities burning more than 10 thousand hectares of forests

Фото Reuters
In the exclusion zone near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant due to hostilities burning more than 10 thousand hectares of forests, 31 fires were recorded, causing increased levels of radioactive air pollution.
Control and suppression of fires is impossible due to the capture of the exclusion zone by russian troops.
As a result of combustion, radionuclides are released into the atmosphere, which are transported by wind over long distances. This threatens radiation to Ukraine, Belarus and European countries.
Due to windy and dry weather, the intensity and area of fires will increase, which can lead to large-scale fires, which are difficult to deal with even in peacetime.
The flames can cover spent nuclear fuel storage facilities and nuclear waste storage facilities located in the Chornobyl zone.