During his recent briefing, Oleksiy Arestovych, an advisor to Andriy Yermak, stated that russia tries to hold Kherson and surround Ukraine's armed forces in Donbas.
Ukraine's Presidential office reports about it.
"Surround our forces in the area of the joint operation, finish off Mariupol and keep the defense in the Kherson area. These issues are interrelated because if the defense falls in the south, the enemy's position around Mariupol will deteriorate," Arestovich said.
He also added that the defense command is aware of the situation and added that uneven news will be received in the next two weeks.
"There will be news that we are counterattacking, advancing in some areas and liberating the ground from the enemy, and on the other hand there will be information that in some parts of the front, particularly in the East, the situation is far from simple," Arestovich said.
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