A video conference of the Presidents of Poland and Ukraine took place on Saturday, March 26. Zelensky and Duda discussed issues related to refugees and weapons.
This was reported by the website of the President of Ukraine.
During a video conference with the President of Poland, Volodymyr Zelensky thanked him for his help in receiving refugees. Andrzej Duda noted that Poland has already hosted 2.3 million Ukrainians.
Volodymyr Zelensky also expressed disappointment that Soviet-made aircraft stationed in Western European countries, including Poland, had not yet been handed over to Ukraine. Although both these countries and the United States have stated their readiness to do so.
"The price of procrastination with planes is thousands of lives of Ukrainians, which we are losing from missile and airstrikes on peaceful Ukrainian cities," Volodymyr Zelensky said.
In addition, the President of Ukraine noted that if the partners do not help Ukraine with planes and tanks, and they have such opportunities, there is a high risk that Russian troops will create not only a missile threat to the territory of our neighbors – friendly Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and the Baltic countries but also a direct military.
On the borders, under their cities. And go on.
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