In Rubizhne, Luhansk region, occupiers haven’t stopped shelling for hours, there are victims

During the night of March 25, Russian occupation forces destroyed houses in Rubizhne, Luhansk region. Two deceased people are known in advance, but there may be more.

This was announced by the Head of the Regional State/Military Administration, Serhii Haidai.

"There may be more victims, because it is burning everywhere, and in some places, because of the incessant shelling, rescuers began to dismantle the debris later. The Russians do not stop trying to occupy the city; they do everything to kill civilians," said the official.

According to him, the city, as well as the entire country, doesn't have enough firefighters for a significant number of simultaneous fires. Yes, yesterday there were 21 fires in residential buildings.

"They are trying to get everywhere, to dismantle the blockages, to get people out, but very often the Russians do not stop the fire for hours," he added.

Tonight, according to preliminary data, after the shells burst, the flames engulfed three residential buildings in the center of Rubizhne.

Five people were killed and eight were injured in Severodonetsk and Rubizhne yesterday (in these cities and in Lysychansk), and 18 residents of the region were rescued. 32 objects were damaged: 7 apartment buildings and 9 private houses, a school and a cinema in Severodonetsk, outbuildings, garages, infrastructure.

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