Another example of Mariupol's cooperation with international partners has turned into ruins, according to the Mariupol City Council.
"We built this modern medical facility together with the European Investment Bank. A place designed to save children's lives, destroyed by those who decided to forcibly 'liberate' us. Obviously, liberate us from peace, from development, from such modern rehabilitation centers. To release from the right to life," the City Council reports.
Mariupol residents also emphasize that for the occupiers "there is no limit to cynicism, there is no limit to cruelty."
"They don't care who they keep a bead at: people, houses, kindergartens, hospitals, or the Drama Theater. And while the enemy indifferently destroys Mariupol, the whole civilized world must show the highest degree of consolidation to stop evil. After all, evil never stops. And if it is not be stopped in Ukraine now, it will come to every European house," the statement of the City Council reads.
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