Zelenskyy calls on G7 leaders to create a U24 security system

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called for a security system for Ukraine and the region as a whole that would stop the enemy's invasion in 24 hours, U24.

The President of Ukraine stated this in his speech today before the G7 leaders.

"I believe we can make your Group of Seven, not just the Big Seven, but the Big Seven of Peacekeepers. What does it take? The first is to tighten sanctions against Russian aggression every week. Until it stops and restores peace. The second is to take part in creating a new system of security guarantees for Ukraine and our region. Real guarantees, effective, such that can stop any aggressor in 24 hours. We proposed to create such a union, U24. This is what the world really needs," said Zelenskyy during a video call.

He explained that such a system could not only quickly stop war and hostilities, but also help states that suffer from natural disasters, pandemics, and face migration or food crises. Zelensky stressed that "the world needs new effective alliances, new effective guarantees."

The President also called on the G7 to take part in the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war.

"Together we must rebuild our state as soon as possible after the war, rebuild cities, restore economic life, bring people back. I offer you to participate in such a reconstruction project. I am confident that it will be in our common interests," he said.

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