This was announced by the Head of the Malynivka community Volodymyr Shysh, Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration reports.
"Of the five large villages that are part of the community, three villages are completely occupied by enemy troops: Liubimovka, Novozlatopol, and to date, the enemy was in Malynivka. Currently, our troops are mopping up, so Malynivka is liberated," he said.
According to Shysh, the situation in the community is critical.
The occupiers set up checkpoints and did not allow anyone into the besieged villages. As a result, there are humanitarian problems with the supply of food, water, medicine, bread, insulin.
The head of the community called for the organization of a humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of people, especially the sick, who need constant care and treatment.
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