He announced this on March 24, EP reports.
"I am announcing additional sanctions against more than 400 members of Russia's elite, lawmakers and defense companies in response to Putin's war against Ukraine. They will personally benefit from the Kremlin's policies and feel the consequences," he said.
A more detailed statement from the Finance Department states that the head of Sberbank Herman Gref, 328 deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the State Duma, and 48 companies in the defense industry are subject to sanctions.
"Today's decision cuts off these 48 companies from Western technological and financial resources, which will have profound and long-term consequences for Russia's defense-industrial base and supply chains," the Finance Ministry said.
The sanctions are coordinated with the sanctions of the EU, Britain, and Canada.
The US Treasury Department has also issued new guidelines for transactions with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation concerning gold.
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