This was announced by the Adviser to the Head of the Office of the President and a member of the negotiating team, Mykhailo Podoliak.
He noted that one reason for such actions by Russia was the lack of any significant progress in all directions.
They can't hide it from his audience, Podoliak emphasizes.
The Kremlin is trying to use such tactics to drastically reduce casualties and avoid several hundred casualties each day, including top and middle commanders.
Podoliak says that the occupiers are now trying to "clean up" their rear from disloyal elements (which is almost 90-95% of the civilian population).
There is a partial digging of the Russians in the occupied frontiers.
And Russia needs the concentration of forces and means of destruction around our large cities to create deliberate thousands of humanitarian catastrophes in them, the adviser to the head emphasized.
"Tactics are absolutely cannibalistic and have clear legal definitions in international law in the area of war crimes and crimes against humanity," Zelenskyy said.
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