European Pravda reports with reference to the statement of the Alliance leaders.
In this statement, the Alliance expressed its position on Russia's war against Ukraine.
According to the document, the leaders called on President Putin to immediately end the war and withdraw troops from Ukraine, and Belarus to stop its complicity.
Russia must show that it is serious about the talks by imposing a ceasefire immediately, they said.
NATO members say Ukraine has a fundamental right to self-defense.
Allies will strengthen their support and will continue to provide further political and practical support to Ukraine.
"NATO Allies will also continue to assist in areas such as cybersecurity and protection against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats," the statement said.
The leaders noted that any use of chemical or biological weapons by Russia would be unacceptable and would have serious consequences.
They also promised to strengthen the alliance's preparedness for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. Further decisions will be made at the Madrid summit.
The Alliance specifically called on China to maintain international order.
And also refrain from supporting Russia's military efforts in any way and from any actions that help Russia circumvent sanctions.
In response to Russia's actions, the Alliance decided to establish four additional multinational battle groups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia.
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