According to Rubryka, this is stated in the company's press release.
The company noted that "they have already stopped the import and export of necessary goods to and from Russia, stopped advertising, and suspended all capital investments in the country."
Also, "we are shutting down Nestlé brands such as KitKat and Nesquik, among others," Nestlé said.
"Of course, we fully comply with all international sanctions against Russia," the Swiss company said.
The company announced that it will continue its activities in Russia, which will focus on providing basic food products, such as baby and medical food.
Nestlé also assured that it will donate the profits from its activities in Russia to humanitarian aid organizations.
"While we do not expect to make a profit in the country or pay any relevant taxes in the foreseeable future in Russia, any profits will be donated to humanitarian organizations," the company said.
Earlier, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the Swiss people, emphasizing the inadmissibility of foreign business in Russia and emphasizing that the Swiss company Nestlé continues to operate in Russia.
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