Switzerland is ready to grant Ukrainian refugees special status to circumvent bureaucratic procedures

Switzerland developed special status "S" during the wars in the Balkans, but has not yet implemented it, so the government can grant such status to Ukraine

The EP reported this with reference to SwissInfo.

Granting special status reduces bureaucratic procedures for refugees. The country developed it in the mid-90s, during the wars in the Balkans. However, it has not yet been implemented, because when it was finally approved, there was no need to use such a mechanism.

It is envisaged that "S" status may apply to Ukrainians and family members, as well as third-country nationals who had a permanent residence permit in Ukraine before the start of the full-scale war. It cannot be provided to those who have already been granted asylum in the EU.

The special status gives the right to reside in Switzerland for a year, with the possibility to extend it while the war lasts. It also allows children to be employed and placed in school. In addition, it is planned that refugees from Ukraine with this status will be able to receive $1,600 a month.

In addition, the Swiss government has expanded the possibilities of this status and allowed its recipients to travel freely in the Schengen area.

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, 11,000 Ukrainians have registered as refugees in Switzerland. According to government officials, the state is ready to accept up to 60 thousand people, although it is predicted that the flow of refugees from Ukraine will increase to 300 thousand.

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