This was announced by the head of the Sumy Regional State/Military Administration Dmytro Zhyvytskyi on the joint air of TV channels
At the same time, there is the fact that the Russians turned the column around and left.
"Today there were shellings in the Konotop district, but I can't say which communities. The situation in the region is getting more complicated, but enemy columns and armored vehicles are being destroyed.
Some units of the Russian Federation are deployed, going back. This is our second case of organized refusal and departure of Russian servicemen who do not want to take part in the genocide of Ukrainians," Zhyvytskyi said.
The head also said that there were fights in some settlements of the region. The enemy continues shelling the southern suburbs of Sumy. Russians work with Grad missile systems. They hit in almost the same directions.
"It is unclear why: there are private houses, housing," said the head of the administration.
He also noted that on Tuesday, fighting took place in the Trostianets community, around the city itself. There was a big fire at one of the enterprises. Rescuers do not have the opportunity to get there.
"The occupiers confiscated all four fire firefighting vehicles in Trostianets. They also confiscated ambulances. The city hospital was fired upon from tanks.
People continue to be fired upon.
There is no possibility to bury the dead in Trostianets. The morgue is without electricity. Locals are not allowed to bury their dead relatives," Zhyvytskyi stressed.
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