French banking group Crédit Agricole has decided to leave Russia altogether

The French banking group Crédit Agricole has decided to suspend its activities in Russia

This is stated in an official statement of Crédit Agricole.

Earlier, the group stopped only new financing of Russian companies and all commercial activities in the terrorist country.

"The Group has contacted its international corporate clients to establish the terms of the cessation of services provided locally by Crédit Agricole CIB, which will take effect in the coming weeks," the statement said.

In Russia, Crédit Agricole CIB has 170 employees.

It is not engaged in retail banking and last year earned a net profit of 3.7 million euros.

Crédit Agricole spoke about its policy towards Ukraine, which does not accept Russian military aggression, expressing "its solidarity from the first day of the conflict."

"The action of solidarity is primarily dedicated to the population of Ukraine and its Ukrainian employees affected by the war.

The group's priority since the beginning of the war has been to provide security and provide equipment and financial support to 2,400 Ukrainian Crédit Agricole employees.

They are still in the territory, they are still mobilized to ensure the continuation of the main banking activities," the statement said.

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