He said this at the inaugural meeting of the United for Ukraine (U4U) network, which unites parliamentarians from 28 countries, the EP reports.
Waszczykowski also called for a partial closure of the skies over Ukraine.
In his speech, he outlined the steps that, in his opinion, the European Parliament should take to end the war in Ukraine.
"We need to start thinking about lobbying the NATO military mission to create humanitarian corridors, and create an area closed to flights, at least in limited areas," he said.
In addition, Waszczykowski noted that the European Parliament should lobby for more weapons for Ukraine, especially in those EU capitals where such decisions are hampered.
According to Waszczykowski, the European Parliament should also advocate for strengthening the defense capabilities of NATO's eastern flank.
To recap, Deputy Prime Minister of Poland and head of the ruling Law and Justice Party Jaroslav Kaczynski during a visit to Kyiv on Tuesday proposed sending a peacekeeping mission to Ukraine.
Poland is preparing to present this proposal at NATO and EU summits.
There is currently no consensus in NATO on this idea, with a number of countries strongly opposed.
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