This was announced by the Head of the Ministry of Integration of Temporarily Occupied Territories, Iryna Vereshchuk, at a briefing.
"1,100 Mariupol residents were evacuated from the city of Berdiansk. Now they are safe in the city of Zaporizhzhia.
Also, 5,926 people took their own transport from Mariupol to the city of Zaporizhzhia today," she said.
Vereshchuk said that humanitarian aid, food and medicine, had been brought to Berdiansk.
At the same time, the occupying forces violated the agreement and didn't allow buses to evacuate Mariupol residents from the village of Nikolske and the village of Melekino.
Vereshchuk also said that 24 buses arrived in Berdiansk on Tuesday, which will pick up people at the collection point near the city sports complex on Wednesday at 9 am.
On Wednesday morning, it is also planned to send additional buses and a fuel truck from Zaporizhzhia to refuel Mariupol cars in Berdiansk.
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