Oleh Sinehubov, the head of the Regional Military Administration, informs about it on Telegram, Rubryka reports.
According to the leader, last night the Russian occupation forces inflicted 84 strikes of various kinds.
A missile strike was also recorded.
Sinehubov noted that at about 5 am on Tuesday, mobile units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down a cruise missile of the occupiers in the area of Nova Vodolaha.
"Among other victories of our Armed Forces of Ukraine are trophies during the fighting with the Russians on the outskirts of Izium. The Ukrainian army destroyed a column of occupiers. They simply fled the battlefield, leaving the equipment.
Regarding humanitarian corridors: together with the Office of the President, Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk, we are working on new humanitarian routes.
We have prepared evacuation buses and humanitarian aid.
But, I note, every day we try to deliver aid to communities that need it," said the head of the administration.
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