This was reported by Rubryka, referring to the press service of the SES of Ukraine.
According to rescuers, a fire broke out as a result of the shelling, 22 people were evacuated.
"In Severodonetsk, Russians opened fire on a children's hospital. As a result, the roof caught fire. Our rescuers promptly evacuated 7 young patients and 15 adults, 8 of whom are doctors, to a safe place," the statement said.
Rescuers emphasize that Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Lysychansk, Popasna, Novodruzhesk, and Toshkivka are once again suffering from shelling by the Russian army.
In the past 24 hours alone, more than two dozen fires in multi-story and residential buildings have occurred in the Luhansk region, as well as farm buildings, garages, a general education institution, and infrastructure facilities.
"The SES of Luhansk region doesn't have enough rescuers to meet all the calls for fires or destruction due to shelling.
But despite the fatigue and enemy shelling, the emergency services continue to perform their assigned tasks," the SES added.
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