
In Mariupol, number of civilian casualties exceeded 3,000

In Mariupol, the number of civilian casualties exceeded 3,000.

This was stated by the commander of the Azov Regiment, Major Denys Prokopenko, the Skidnyi Variant reports.

"The number of civilian casualties in Mariupol is growing daily. Now it's over 3,000, but no one can say the exact number of dead because people are buried in mass graves, without names. Many bodies remain on the streets without burial. Some people remain under the rubble, buried alive," the commander of the Azov regiment reports.

According to Prokopenko, the Ukrainian army is trying to help civilians with water and food, but this is not enough. There are no safe places for people in Mariupol. Enemy missiles hit homes, killing people in their beds.

"People are cooking on the street, risking their lives, under constant artillery fire and air bombs. The temperature outside is 5 degrees Celsius," the Azov regiment commander added.

In addition, today more than 20 buses with residents of Mariupol and children are trying to reach the green corridors in Zaporizhzhia.

It was very difficult to cross the line of contact because there was shelling, says the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, Oleksandr Starukh.

"Today is a difficult day because children are suffering again. Four children were taken to the hospital. Three children came under fire in the former Huliaipol district, now Polohivskyi. Families left Mariupol, escaped. One child is in critical condition. Another family was injured. One more family was under fire in the village of Kamianske, also a child is in serious condition," said Starukh.

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