Russian terrorists kidnap Mariupol residents and forcibly transport them to Russia

In recent days, several thousand Mariupol residents have been deported to Russia. These are people from the Left Bank district of the city and the bomb shelter in the building of the sports club, where more than a thousand people (mostly women and children) hid from the constant bombing.

Fighting took place in these areas. To save the lives of Mariupol residents, the Armed Forces of Ukraine withdrew from crowded places, which was used by the aggressor.

It is known that the captured Mariupol residents were taken to filtration camps, where the occupiers checked people's phones and documents. After the inspection, some Mariupol residents were transported to Taganrog and from there sent by rail to various economically depressed cities in Russia.

Ukrainian Armed Forces withdrew from the places of mass concentration of people so that russians would not bomb them, but the occupiers used this situation for their benefit.

Right now russians are doing the same thing to the Ukrainians that they have done to the Crimean Tatar people in 1944. They send captured people of Mariupol to the filtration camps, check their phones and take their Ukrainian documents. After that some people receive the occupiers' Ausweis and get deported to the far away regions of russia; the fate of others is unknown.

This is unacceptable violation of all norms of international law!

Not only the occupiers destroy the old life of Mariupolians, they also prevent them from starting a new one and transform them into the disenfranchised slaves and hostages, being held on the territory of the occupier state.

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