
Medvedchuk’s arrest was allowed in Ukraine – court ruling

The Lychakiv District Court of Lviv granted the request of the State Bureau of Investigations investigator and chose a precautionary measure in the form of arrest for the People's Deputy from the OPZhZ, Viktor Medvedchuk (where he's now is unknown).

The State Bureau of Investigations press service reported this.

Earlier, State Bureau of Investigations investigators and prosecutors from the Prosecutor General's Office took steps to search for Medvedchuk internationally. He is suspected of treason and aiding and abetting a terrorist organization.

The State Bureau of Investigations asked Ukrainians who are in the country and abroad to tell where Medvedchuk is if they have the information: by e-mail inform.dbr@gmail.com or by phone +38 (044) 356 40 00 (additional 21 10).

On February 27, it became known that the father of the godchild of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, Viktor Medvedchuk, had escaped from house arrest after the start of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to lawyers, he is now in a "safe place." Sources of the Slidstvo.Info stated that the politician did not leave Ukraine.

Medvedchuk's wife, Oksana Marchenko, traveled to Belarus a few days before Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, and recorded videos from Moscow on the eve of the war.

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