As Lviv City Council reports, 109 prams were placed in the Market Square as a symbol of 109 children killed since the full-scale invasion of the enemy.
During the Price of War action, 109 empty prams were displayed on the square. They are symbols of the lives of those who will never see this world, their relatives, and peaceful Ukraine.
"In 22 days of a full-scale invasion, Russian troops have ruthlessly killed 109 Ukrainian children. 109 children who became angels and now, instead of decisive actions of the world, protect the sky of Ukraine. This figure doesn't take into account the losses in Mariupol, which is constantly under fire. The number of deaths is increasing every day due to the genocide committed by the enemy against the Ukrainian people. Lviv, which today has become a forced home for many children who managed to evacuate from the shelling together with their mothers, once again draws attention to the deaths of innocent children," said the organizers of the action.
The action is organized by the Lviv City Council within the United for Ukraine campaign.
Participants of the action are asked to tell about the crimes of the enemy, take photos of the action and publish them on social media with the hashtag #closethesky
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