This was stated by Markarova in an interview with Voice of America.
"I will not reveal things that our enemy should not know. But when certain decisions are made and they are public, at this point, some things are already crossing the border. In fact, it is a parallel process. It is not a package (of aid – ed.). for which they will buy something only now. It's all in the works," Markarova said.
Markarova assured that it was not the last help Ukraine expects from the United States.
The ambassador also said that the Ukrainian side was working on all ways to win the war, including still demanding the closure of the sky or other alternatives.
The United States has provided Ukraine with extensive military assistance, which will play a major role in the war. It should be understood that there are no bureaucratic obstacles to its entry; some weapons are already in Ukraine, others will arrive in the near future.
Background: On March 16, President Joe Biden said the United States would hand over air defense systems to Ukraine to counter Russian aggression.
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