In the Bundestag, Zelenskyy called on Germany not to slow down Ukraine’s accession to the EU

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes Germany is participating in the construction of a new wall in Europe

He stated this in a speech to members of the German Bundestag.

Because it is Germany that is holding back Ukraine's accession to European institutions.

The president began his remarks with criticism that many players in Germany don't want to limit Russia as the situation requires.

"I appeal to you after three weeks of a full-scale invasion. After thousands of Ukrainians died …

Once we saw how much your companies have left Russia, a country that uses you and other countries to finance the war," he said.

Zelenskyy stressed that Germany, which had previously opposed Ukraine's rapid integration with the Western world, was partly responsible for inciting the attack.

"When we asked you what Ukraine should do to become a member of NATO, we heard in response: such a decision is not on the table and will not be. And you are delaying the issue of Ukraine's accession to the European Union. For you it is politics. Stones, Stones for a new wall (dividing Europe)," the President explained.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, however, stressed that there were politicians in Germany who understand what is happening.

"I'm grateful to German business, which has put morality above the economy. I'm grateful to politicians who choose life between Russian money and the deaths of Ukrainian children. Those who know that Ukraine will be in the European Union," he said.

Zelenskyy also called on Chancellor Scholz to "tear down the wall" that is now emerging in Europe.

Earlier, after Zelenskyy's speech before the US Congress, the United States announced the provision of air defense systems to Ukraine at Zelenskyy's request.

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