The Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights Liudmila Denisova announced it, Rubryka reports.
According to her, the building withstood the impact of a high-powered air bomb and protected the lives of people hiding in the bomb shelter.
"Currently, work is underway to unlock the basement.
Living adults and children come from there. There is currently no information about the dead or wounded under the rubble of the theater.
The airstrike on this building, which is marked on all sides with the inscriptions saying "children," is an act of genocide and a terrible crime against humanity, as defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Punishment for the Russian fascist troops and the leadership of the terrorist state will be inevitable and cruel," the ombudsman said.
As Rubryka reported, on March 16, the occupying forces dropped a heavy bomb on the Mariupol Drama Theater where refugees who had lost their homes were hiding.
"Russian fascist troops purposefully and cynically destroyed the Drama Theater in the heart of Mariupol. The plane dropped a bomb on a building where hundreds of peaceful Mariupol residents were hiding.
It is still impossible to estimate the scale of this horrific and inhumane act because the city continues to shell residential areas.
It is known that after the bombing, the central part of the Drama Theater was destroyed, and the entrance to the bomb shelter, which was located in the building, was destroyed by debris," the City Council said.
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