LRT reports.
According to them, this will significantly reduce the number of civilian casualties.
The resolution introduced by the Vice Speaker of the Seimas was approved unanimously.
The document calls on the parliaments of democratic countries to try to organize humanitarian corridors through UN mechanisms or the efforts of ready countries.
They are needed by people who find themselves in the occupied territories and in the war zone.
And "close the sky" at least over these areas, Ukrainian nuclear power plants, and nuclear waste storage facilities.
Deputies also call on colleagues from other countries to work on new sanctions against Russia and Belarus.
Close their resorts and ports to Russian planes and ships.
In addition, make sure that those who help circumvent sanctions are also subject to restrictive measures.
Separately, they are proposing to boycott Serbian Airlines because they have become a route to circumvent sanctions on Russians.
EU countries call for the mobilization of maximum political support for Ukraine and to facilitate Ukraine's granting of candidate status as soon as possible and start membership negotiations.
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