14:56 17 Mar 2022

Nestle will continue to cooperate with Russia: company owns Ukrainian brands Svitoch and Torchyn

The food company Nestle doesn't consider it unethical to work in Russia, despite its invasion of Ukraine

This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal.

He spoke with the company's CEO Mark Schneider.

"Unfortunately, I didn't see an understanding. Jobs and taxes paid to the budget of a terrorist country mean financing the killing of defenseless children and women. I hope Nestle will change its mind," wrote Shmyhal.

The companies own such brands as Nesquik, Svytoch, Torchyn, Lion, KitKat, Nuts, Aero, Nescafe, and others.

Earlier, Nestle stopped importing and exporting non-essential products to and from Russia: coffee and water.

In addition, the company suspended advertising in Russia and capital investments.

In 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic began, Nestle paid $502 million to Russia's budget.

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