The UP and State Emergency Service reported this.
Neighboring houses were also damaged, and there were casualties among the military.
"They hit the center of the community center; there was nothing left of it. There were people in it. Thank God, there are no victims among the civilians, but there are among the military. Civilians managed to escape the destruction, the military was sent to hospital," said Sitov.
The buildings of the olericulture and melon cultivation institute were damaged near the community center.
The second blow was made to the school, where there were no casualties. The fire at the school continues to be extinguished.
"Next to the community center, there is the Institute of olericulture and melon cultivation, there are no windows, no roof, everything around is destroyed… The second blow was to the school, the biggest school I have, hitting the school center. There was no one there, but the school is on fire, it's wooden, ancient, is now extinguished," said the head of the community.
The State Emergency Service reported that "as a result of another shelling, enemy missiles hit one of the educational institutions in the city of Merefa in the Kharkiv region.
As a result of the shelling, the two-story building was partially destroyed, followed by fire.
The area of the fire was about 400 sq.m. The fire is currently being extinguished. According to preliminary data, there are no victims."
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