In Germany, the largest energy company has stopped buying new volumes of gas from Gazprom

Germany's largest energy company E.ON has stopped buying new volumes of gas from Gazprom's trading companies in Europe

This was reported by Reuters.

According to the group, although it doesn't have long-term supply contracts directly with gas producers, a small amount in its portfolio was purchased from Gazprom's trading companies.

"The Russian market is not one of our target regions. But one thing is clear: if there is a more or less long-term physical shortage of energy imports, it will have consequences for us," the group said.

As Rubryka reported, EU countries intend to impose new sanctions against Russian oil companies but will continue to buy oil from them.

EU countries plan to adopt new sanctions against Russian oil companies Rosneft, Transneft, and Gazprom Neft. These three companies are already subject to EU restrictions on credit and debt financing.

But the new measures will not prevent EU states and companies from buying oil from three Russian companies.

Under the new sanctions, Rosneft, Transneft, and Gazprom Neft will be "banned from operations," which will block investments and other transfers of financial resources.

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