Official: Ukrainian energy system has merged with European one

Ukraine's energy system has officially completed its integration with the European one and has become part of ENTSO-E

Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported about it on Twitter .

"Ukraine has become a member of the Energy Union.

The unification of the Ukrainian and European energy systems has been completed," the President of Ukraine wrote.

This means that now Ukrainian electricity flows to Europe and European one to Ukraine.

Volodymyr Kudrytskyy, Head of the Board of NEC Ukrenergo, confirmed that Ukraine has joined the EU energy.

"Ukrainian and European energy systems work synchronously. Europe's energy system from today extends from Mariupol to Lisbon," said Kudrytsky.

He reminded that during the 21 days of the war, the Ukrainian system surprised European politicians and energy workers with stable and balanced work under rocket fire and airstrikes aimed at energy facilities.

"We persevered. Because we were ready," Kudrytskyi stressed.

ENTSO-E also confirmed the successful synchronization of continental Europe with the energy systems of Ukraine and Moldova.

"After an urgent request from Ukrenergo and Moldova for emergency synchronization, the operators of the energy system of continental Europe agreed to start a trial synchronization on March 16, 2022," the organization reminded.

Acceleration of the synchronization project, which has been ongoing since 2017, has been made possible by previous research and risk mitigation measures.


ENTSO-E is a European network of electricity transmission system operators, which, excluding Ukraine, unites 43 operators in 36 countries on the European continent. The organization was established in July 2009.

The integration of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Ukraine into the pan-European energy system ENTSO-E is provided for in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.

The issue of expanding the ENTSO-E synchronous zone through the accession of the UES of Ukraine was raised in 2005.

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