This was stated by a member of the Ukrainian delegation, adviser to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podoliak, in a comment to UP, a member of the Russian delegation, an aide to Russian President Vladimir Medinsky, quoted by RIA Novosti.
This model of neutrality should only include legally verified, not protocol security guarantees.
"We understand the attempt of our partners to remain an initiative party in the negotiation process. Hence the words about the Swedish or Austrian model of neutrality. But Ukraine is now in a state of direct war with Russia.
Therefore, the model can only be "Ukrainian" and only with legally verified security guarantees. And no other models or options," Podoliak said.
"What does it mean? First, absolute security guarantees. Valid, not protocol. This means that the signatories of the guarantees do not stand aside in the event of an attack on Ukraine, like today.
But they are taking an active part on Ukraine's side in the conflict and are officially ensuring the immediate supply of the necessary amount of weapons to us," the adviser stressed.
"And secondly, Ukraine no longer wants to depend on bureaucratic procedures that allow or do not allow to close the sky from the same cruise missiles. We need direct and strict guarantees that the sky will be closed," he said.
Podoliak said that Ukraine had never been a military state that attacked or planned to attack its neighbors, unlike Russia. That is why our country wants to have a strong pool of allies with clearly defined security guarantees.
Podoliak's words were preceded by a statement by a member of the Russian delegation, Vladimir Medinsky, who said that Ukraine had offered an "Austrian" or "Swedish" version of neutrality during the talks.
"Ukraine offers an Austrian, Swedish version of a neutral demilitarized state.
But at the same time a state that has its own army and navy. All these issues are being discussed at the level of the leadership of the Ministries of Defense of Russia and Ukraine," Medinsky said.
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