Hackers Anonymous in response to Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant seizure by invaders hacked Rosatom website

International hacker group Anonymous hacked the website of Rosatom and its subsidiaries in response to the seizure of Zaporizhzhia NPP by Russian invaders

This was reported by Ukrinform with reference to the Anonymous page on Twitter.

At the same time, it seized data on the security of companies.

According to hackers in the message, "Anonymous defaces Rosatom website, starts to leak gigabytes of data."


The websites of Rosatom's subsidiaries Rosenergoatom and the All-Russian Research Institute for the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants were also hacked. To each of these three sites, hackers have added new HTML pages with the letters "fckptn."

Anonymous also reported that they have gained access to 1,300 network cameras in Russia and Belarus.

To recap, yesterday the international hacker group Anonymous hacked the Russian FSB website and seized the Rosneft database.

Earlier, the international hacker group Anonymous hacked all Russian state TV channels, after which they began broadcasting videos about the war in Ukraine and calls on Russians to oppose the Russian genocide in Ukraine.

After the "cyberwar" to the Kremlin was declared, the hacker group Anonymous hacked more than 2,500 websites of government agencies, the media, etc. in Russia and Belarus by March 5 in support of Ukraine.

As Rubryka reported, on the night of March 4, Russian troops captured ZNPP.

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